Big Pipe
Kaywoodie Standard Pipes Full Bent Billiard Extra Large w/ Taper
amscan Black Bandana with Skull Print
Patagonia Multicam Level 9 Combat Shirt
In game Big Pipe has his sleeves cut off at the elbow
Hot Leathers Skeleton Mechanic Gloves
EmersonGear Combat Pants AOR2
Tactical Tailor 40mm Belt

Death Knight
You can either combine the 3 items on the death knight helm page here or get the premade etsy listing
Knight Boss Mask
Arcteryx AR combat shirt
His left sleev is cut/ripped above the elbow
EmersonGear Combat Pants AOR2
AVS Low Profile Belt (specifically the multi-cam)
Knight’s iPhone Case

Terra Kuda Neck Gaiter (Specificly Shemagh Coyote color)
Del Mex Mexican Baja Hoodie
Desert Night Camo Fanny Pack
Crye Precision Drifire
EmersonGear Combat Pants M81